Were we that way too? NEVER! LOL. Guess we have to remember the good times to get over the rough spots. Easier said than done at times. But that too shall pass.(we hope, lol). We all know it does not matter how much they make us mad we love them anyway just as it should be.Guess that is hardwired into us at birth, lol. Hey, just in case you do have little scouts running around check out all the things you can use in their meeting. Been there, done that and might as well share the goodies with you.
Hope it will be of use to you.
Learn How to Tie Knots
Campfire Cooking Ideas
In center of 18" x 18" square of heavy or doubled foil, place one teaspoon of oil and one tablespoon of popcorn. Bring foil corners together to make a pouch. Seal the edges by folding, but allow room for the popcorn to pop. Tie each pouch to a long stick with a string and hold the pouch over the hot coals. Shake constantly until all the corn has popped. Season with salt and margarine. Or soy sauce, or melted chocolate, or melted peanut butter, or melted caramels or use as a base for chili.
For dessert. Take a banana, slice in lenghtwise in the peel. Insert butter and brown sugar into the slit. Wrap & bake
I have seen a pizza pocket dinner, made with those packages of 'flat' dough (those tubes from The Dough Boy). You take the flat dough, and fill the center with pizza sauce, peperoni, cheese, with optional mushroom, olives etc. Fold it over to enclose the 'goodies' and wrap in 2 layers of foil.
'BAKE' 10 minutes on each side, and you might have a pizza pocket.
Cooking Times:
• Hamburger: 8-12 minutes, Carrots: 15-20 minutes
• Chicken pieces: 20-30 minutes, Whole Apples: 20-30 minutes
• Hotdogs: 5-10 minutes, Sliced potatoes 10-15 minutes
• A shallow bed of glowing coals that will last the length of cooking time is necessary
Lay slices of potatoes, onion, and carrots on a sheet of heavy-duty foil then place hamburger patty on top. Cover
with slices of potato, onion, and carrots. Season with butter, salt and pepper. Cook 20-30 minutes over hot coals, turning twice during cooking.
We add Cream of Mushroom soup to our "hobos." It adds taste as well as additional moisture. A couple of tablespoons will do just fine. Yum-yum. How about BBQ sauce, Worchester sauce, or even Italian dressing? We have spiced up our "hunters pack" aluminum foil dinners by adding Heinz 57 sauce
Instead of Hamburger use Chicken and try pineapple slices with mild BBQ sauce
Chicken and rice foil dinner
Place chicken breast on a 14 inch square of heavy duty aluminum foil. Mix a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup with 2/3 cup uncooked instant rice. Spoon over chicken. Sprinkle with paprika. Seal the foil package and place on grill 5 inches above coals. Cook about 40 minutes, turning once.
Baked Apple
Core an apple and place it on a square of aluminum foil. Fill the core with raisins, brown sugar, a dash of cinnamon, and a chunk of butter. Seal and place on hot coals. Cook until apple is soft.
Opening Ceremonies
The meaning of our Flag
F stands for Freedom
on land and on sea. For
America is the land for me.
L stands for Liberty,
for Love and for Care. Look
at America, you’ll find it there
A stands for achievement,
America too. American achievement
is the best thing for you.
G stands for Greatness,
Glory and all that is good. If you
don’t love the flag you certainly should.
The Flag is America’s symbol, land of the free. That’s what our flag means to me!
Meaning of the Red White and Blue
What does it stand for,
The red, white, and blue?
It stands for our Country
And what it went through
To win us our freedom.
When freedom was new.
What do they stand for,
The stripes red and white?
The states on the Seaboard
That braved England’s might
Thirteen n number,
United to fight.
What do they stand for,
The stars one and all?
The states in the Union,
The big states and small,
Ready to answer
America’s call.
What do they stand for,
The colors we see?
Red stands for courage,
And white – liberty.
And blue for the staunch
In this land of the free.
Hail to our banner,
Still shining like new.
Symbol of faith
In the brave and the true:
Symbol of freedom,
The red, white, and blue!
Meaning of America
A - is for all the people in our land
M - is for men who helped build s grand
E - stands for Equality of race, color and creed
R - is Respect for all people's need
I - is for ideas - new ways to know our neighbors
C - stands for caring and sharing in labor
A - stands for the Allegiance we should feel for our land
Now let us show respect for our country by saying the Pledge of Allegiance
The Star Spangled Banner
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
God Bless America
God Bless America
Land that I love
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.
Cub Scouts
The Cub Scout Promise
Meaning of the scout promise
I promise
When you promise to do something, you mean you will do it. Even if it is difficult, a Webelos Scout keeps his promise, because it’s the right thing to do. He wants people to know he can be trusted.
To do my best
When you say,” I will do my best,” you mean, “I will try as hard as I can.” One boy’s best can be different from another boy’s best. Webelos leaders don’t expect you to be perfect, but they want you to do your best.
To do my duty
When you do your duty, you do your share. You do what you ought to do. Your duty to god is done with god’s help. That means you practice your religion at home, in your church or synagogue or other religious group, and everything you do. Your duty to our country means being a good American. You obey the laws. You’re a good citizen, and you help your community in any way you can.
To help other people
This means thinking about other people and their needs. Sometimes this isn’t easy, but a Webelos Scout will help others when he can.
Meaning of the law of the pack
The cub scout follows Akela
Who is Akela? Akela is the Webelos Scout name for a good leader. Some of the people you may call Akela are your father or mother, your teacher, your den chief, your Webelos den leader, your cub master, or anybody who is a good leader. Good leaders first learn to follow. That’s why the first part of the Law of the Pack asks you to follow. Follow good leaders. Follow Akela.
The cub scout helps the Pack
When you become a Webelos Scout, you’re a member of the Webelos den and a Cub Scout pack. You’ll help the pack GO by doing whatever you can to help the pack run smoothly. By doing your part, you’ll help everyone in our den and pack get the most out of all their activities. Help the pack GO by attending all meetings and follow the leaders. Your pack will be better in every way because you’re in it.
The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow
You’ll “grow” in skills and knowledge while you’re a Webelos Scout. That’s what all the pack leaders want for you, so they plan den and pack activities to help all the Cub Scouts grow. In your den meetings, while you’re having fun earning activity badges, you’ll learn new skills and new ways of doing things. Earning the Arrow of Light Award, the highest award in Cub Scouting, will help you prepare for Boy Scouting. That’s how the pack helps you “grow”.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill
Goodwill means cheerfulness and kindness. You give goodwill by having a cheerful attitude, by being kind in what you say and do, and by looking for ways to help other people. Smile and help-those are two Webelos Scout words to remember.
The Cub Scout Motto
“Do Your Best”
The Cub Scout Sign and its meaning
The Cub Scout Salute
The Cub Scout Handshake
Meaning of the Webelos Badge
Boy Scouts
The Scout Law
The Scout Oath
The Scout Slogan and its meaning
Do a Good Turn Daily!
It means you do at least one good turn a day. It means looking for chances to help and then helping quietly, without boasting about it.
Always remember that a good turn is an extra act of kindness-something you go out of your way to do.
The Scout Salute
The Scout Handclasp
The Scout Sign and its meaning
Scout Oath, Law, Motto and Slogan
Certificate of Appreciation
Certificate of Accomplishment